Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Voice

The gift of the voice is so rich 
So rare, that it shouldn't be wasted 
There is so much truth flowing in our head 
That its shocking that they don't preach 
But instead they have given into the illusions 
They are so lost in it, that it replaces all true convictions 
So they open their mouth 
But only falsity and vanity flow out 
Words of the tainted gospel 
Powerful as they are, 
they put the generation under a spell
Surely this can never be at par 
To the powerful truth that rang in THEIR lyrics
Yes, THEY were the government critics 
THEY understood the need for conscious liberation 
So THEY sang songs of freedom
Oh! How badly these conformists need redemption 
So they can tell us about government magic 
And how to see through their greatest trick 
Oh! The people need a champion 
Someone to be iron like a lion in Zion 
Someone to elevate us from the illusions of Babylon 
The VIRGIN TRUTH awaits us all
We all have the power, we have the choice 
To be above IT, and watch IT fall
Into the abyss of forgotten truth
To join the pile of incredible myth
But for this, we need that lyric, that truthful voice